
Taproot outputs can be spent in multiple ways. Either using an "internal key" or by satisfying one of the output scripts present as a leaf in the taproot output’s merkle tree. Further, these outputs need to be signed using Schnorr signatures. These possibilities make it challenging for developers to describe a taproot output and then to provide signatures for it.

Bitcoin descriptors use strings to describe the output conditions. For example the descriptors page page specifies a taproot output with two potential script paths as follows:


Such a format is handy when you need to copy-paste output specifications across hardware wallets etc. However, such output descriptions will be a pain point for developers, who prefer to work with first class data structures like arrays and dictionaries.

The DSL captures taproot outputs (and signature specifications) as an object notation with support for arrays to describe output leaves. Each of the script leaves can be bitcoin descriptors or normal bitcoin scripts. The DSL allows developers to explicitly state the keypath and the script leaves.

As an example, the transaction below spends to a taproot output that allows spending using a tweaked internal key or any of the leaves.

Taproot output with specified internal key and two leaves
  @taproot_output_tx = transaction inputs: [
                                     { tx: @coinbase_tx,
                                       vout: 0,
                                       script_sig: 'sig:wpkh(@alice)' }
                                   outputs: [
                                       taproot: { internal_key: @bob, (1)
                                                  leaves: ['pk(@carol)', 'pk(@alice)'] }, (2)
                                       amount: 49.999.sats
1 Output can be spent using tweaked internal key
2 Alternatively, the output can be spent using Carol’s or Alice’s untweaked keys


The examples below spend the above taproot output. First using the keypath and then using the script path.

Spending via the Keypath

To spend via a keypath, we need provide the private key that the DSL then tweaks for the taproot output. The developer doesn’t need to track the taproot construction anymore, the DSL looks at the taproot output and figures out the tweak to apply.

transition :spend_using_internal_key do
  @spend_taproot_output_tx = transaction inputs: [
                                           { tx: @taproot_output_tx,
                                             vout: 0,
                                             script_sig: { keypath: @bob }, (1)
                                             sighash: :all }
                                         outputs: [
                                           { descriptor: 'wpkh(@carol)',
                                             amount: 49.998.sats }
  broadcast @spend_taproot_output_tx
  confirm transaction: @spend_taproot_output_tx
  log 'Taproot output spent using keypath'
1 Provide the key pair or a private key and DSL tweaks the private key before signing the transaction

Spending via Script Path

To spend a taproot output using one of the leaves, we simply need to supply the unlocking script using DSL extension.

transition :spend_first_leaf do
  @spend_taproot_output_tx = transaction inputs: [
                                           { tx: @taproot_output_tx,
                                             vout: 0,
                                             script_sig: { leaf_index: 0, (1)
                                                           sig: 'sig:@carol' }, (2)
                                             sighash: :all }
                                         outputs: [
                                           { descriptor: 'wpkh(@carol)',
                                             amount: 49.998.sats }
  broadcast @spend_taproot_output_tx
  confirm transaction: @spend_taproot_output_tx
  log 'Taproot script path transaction spent using first leaf'
1 Identify the leaf being spent
2 Provide script sig using DSL sig extension

Supporting Descriptor Syntax

Once we have explored the various ways in which taproot outputs can be built and spent, we will work towards supporting the taproot descriptor syntax. For now, we believe developers will benefit from the explict object notation to specify the keypath and leaves.